Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to debug c/c++ pgm in linux? (step-by-step execution)?

In linux we can compile a c/c++ pgm using cc / g++ command. But it will not execute sequentially (Unlike Turbo C ) so if we want to compile pgm sequentially what must be the solution

How to debug c/c++ pgm in linux? (step-by-step execution)?
You can use gdb (the GNU debugger) to step through programs on Linux.

First, be sure to compile with the -g flag to include debugging information.

Then, run gdb %26lt;program name%26gt; to start debugging.

A few of the commands available are:

%26gt; run

Starts the program

%26gt; break %26lt;line number%26gt;

Create a breakpoint at %26lt;line number%26gt;.

%26gt; step

Executes the current line of the program.

%26gt; print %26lt;variable%26gt;

Prints out the value of %26lt;variable%26gt;.

There are a lot more commands available, and can be found by using the help command in gdb. Additionally, there are a *ton* of gdb resources and guides available on the web.

Hope this helps!


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