Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How can i convert MATLAB code to other code(like C++, basic,FORTRAN,...)?

i want to write my program in MATLAB(m-file) and run it in a computer without MATLAB software. so i need a way to tranlate m-file to other code like c,c++,basic,fortran,... by the way, my code contain some functions.

How can i convert MATLAB code to other code(like C++, basic,FORTRAN,...)?
Mathworks is selling its translator. Another alternative is MATCOM, which is a is freeware

translator of MATLAB to C++. It seems to work pretty well, but can be confused by feval() and gives up on eval().

Sorry, links i've sent you are all dead... Try to find it yourself.

You can derive it symbolically in maple, then translate it to matlab, fortran, c or other language options.

You might seriously consider learning python and using the open source symbolic solver libraries, graphic libraries, and numeric libraries.
Reply:1. Rewrite the application in desired langauge

2. Purchase a tool that converts it

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