Thursday, July 30, 2009

I need a C/C++ Compiler?

I am starting C language from scratch. I learn best by messing around with things myself, so I really need a compiler to begin learning C. Please provide me with a link to where I can download a C/C++ Compiler. Also I would really appreciate it if you could explain to me everything that I have to do to have it working, because I am starting from absolute scratch and don't know anything about compiling and C. The more specific the better. THANK YOU (=!!!

I need a C/C++ Compiler?
For Windows, I recommend that you download Cygwin and then install the C/C++ developer tools, which include the GNU Compiler Collection, the GNU Binutils, and MinGW.

For Mac OS X, the operating system installation disk comes with the Apple Developer Tools, including Xcode and GCC.

For Linux, you already have GCC pre-installed, usually.

the compiler is called Dev-C++ it can compile both C and C++.

If you want to start playing around with some code, just click on File %26gt; New Source File.

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