Sunday, July 26, 2009

Does anyone want to program a C application as a group?

I want to code with some other developers and comunicate via Windows Messenger, the projects have not been defined but I want to create applications that can be created in ANSI C/C++.

I just want to do this to increase my knowledge of programming and this will be more "fun" then just reading through a book and completing exercises on there.

If you want to get involved so we can create and learn as a group then mail me at :

I look forward to hearding from you.

Does anyone want to program a C application as a group?

well... thats quite a difficult question...

as the previous person asked, how much experience have you got with C++?

if not with C++ with which other language?

Have you done your OOP homework? (thats a real question!)

I'm a experienced programmer but a newbie in 3D programming (havent delivered anything yet)...

if you want to have a look what i'm talking about:

It'd help a lot if you were good with 3d modeling too, I'm interested in FPS and RTS games, all 3D of course.

Reply:How much knowledge do you have of C/C++. If the project ever got anywhere big, would everyone have shared rights?

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