Monday, May 24, 2010

Doesn't a C&C cage for guinea pigs need a top!?

I want a guinea pig but all the cages at petstore are WAY too small! So i thought I should build my own C%26amp;C cage! But wouldn't need a top! I went to and they showed me how to make on but there is no top to it wouldn't they climb out!?

Doesn't a C%26amp;C cage for guinea pigs need a top!?
No guinea pigs aren't rats or mice - they can't climb. Unless you have step type things leading up to the top, there is no way it can get out; they are ground dwellers and have no urge to climb. However, if you own any other pets like cats or dogs or you have small children in the house, a lid is probably best to prevent other animals from getting into your cage.

Otherwise C%26amp;C cages work really well - good job on researching!
Reply:Nope I have 10 guinea pigs in C%26amp;C cages and never had an escapee :) It'll be safe, as long as you don't have other pets.

I have heard of it happening once however, but that's once out of all the thousands of people who have these cages.
Reply:No, guinea pigs can't climb out of things! They can't really jump either.
Reply:Good for you for building a C%26amp;C cage! They are the very best habitats for guinea pigs.

Unless you have other predatory animals in the house (cat, dog, ferret) or small children that may try to grab the piggie, it doesn't need a top. The piggie will not be able to climb over it and piggies don't jump.

If you need to build a top, use two pieces of wire shelving %26amp; secure it with nylon zip ties. Go to this link %26amp; click on the picture that says "closed cages". You'll see what I mean about the shelving tops.

Good luck!
Reply:Unless you have any animals in the home that you are unsure if they could harm them then no. The sides are around 12 inches high and guinea pigs are not climbing rodents.
Reply:Yes it needs a lid they may not look like it but they can escape easily without a lid.
Reply:Just to be safe, make sure there is a lid, especially if you are going to have other objects in the cage to climb on.
Reply:A lid would be safe, but most guinea pigs will hang around their home anyways.
Reply:....IDK, not sure.


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